Category Archives: Organize it!

How can we help you organize your home?

Organize and Save Your Food for the Future and your Health

I was looking at a number of postings about getting organized for a move. I have posted on this topic in the past. It is funny to me how different ideas piggy back or morph into other topics, similar but different. This a an organizing topic that is one of those. This is organizing for a healthier lifestyle, enjoying a new hobby, getting back to your roots, storing for the move or however you want to look at it type topic. Anyway, I found this video fascinating and have already ordered her first of three books. I also now subscribe to her blog. One of these days when I retire, I hope to have a little farm, a little garden and a cellar full of canned goods. Perhaps if I learn to can now, it will come easier later.  Who knows, I may turn my canning efforts into home-made closing gifts for my clients as a special thank you for selecting me to represent them.

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School is almost out – time to move?

My Pinterest ScrrenshotWow! Time flies when you are having fun, doesn’t it? Can you believe school is almost out? And it seems you just started talking about moving when school let out. No, wait. That was last December. Where did this year go already! Now you have less than three months to find a new home near the new school you want your kids to go to, put your home up for sale or notify your landlord you don’t intend to renew the lease for another year, get a loan approved, buy a home and get moved. Overwhelming? It certainly can be.

I am a list person. I make lists so I remember things and they help me get organized. Well, I suggest you sit down right now and make a list of things you need to do right away!

First, find an Realtor who works in the area you want to move. Need help? Give me a call and I can help you find one. Unless you are moving to MY area of course, in which giving me a call will find you talking to your Realtor. Next, start the loan process. Your Realtor can help with this. We all work with various lenders depending on what type of loan you want or need. We try to match you up with loan officers we know and have established a good track record of taking care of our clients. You may not know this, but Realtors, when they are representing you as their clients, really try to get you the most house for the least amount of money in the shortest period of time. At least I do…

Next on your list? Start cleaning house. You can find all kinds of helpful articles on the Internet. To make it easier for you, just follow me on Pinterest. I have tagged a lot of good articles covering everything from tips to moving, to moving with pets and kids (does an “and” really go in that sentence? My pet is my kid!) But I digress.  What you don’t want to do is pack and move stuff you don’t want to keep. I used to do that. Back when the Army was paying for my moves. I was always under my weight limit, so I had the luxury of being lazy – foolishly. I always wished I had held a yard sale or given half the stuff away when I found myself unpacking things at the other end. “Why did I keep this?” I would ask myself as I was putting that large ricemaker away. A year or so later when I was unpacking after the next move – there it was again. I don’t favor steamed rice and had never used it in 2-3 years! Guess what? When I had to move it at my own expense, it finally found a new home. So what am I trying to tell you? Don’t be as foolish as I was – get organized and get rid of stuff you don’t need in your new home.

This blog is short. Just really wanted to touch based and give you the link to my Pinterest boards where I have already done some research for you and found great tips for getting ready for the move and moving. Why not take a look at them?

And since you are going to need a Realtor, give me a call at 404-903-7653. If you are coming to my area in Henry or Clayton County, GA I’ll help you myself. If not, call me anyway and I will find you a good agent wherever you are moving……

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Filed under "From a Childs Eye", Organize it!, The Move

Declutter for Christmas!


Christmas!?! Yes that is right! We are a little less than two months away! Now is the time to begin “decluttering” for it because we all know how fast the holiday season flies by. By the time everyone gets out of school, flies in or out of town to see family, all the things we “think” we are going to get to in the house drift to the back of our minds. So the end of October is the perfect time to prioritize what needs to be done before the crazy season hits! We all know that for some of us it is easy to plan and for others it is easy to do. All I can do here is help you plan and prioritize what may need to be done in your home for the Holidays. So here are a few steps to declutter and be ready to celebrate a beautiful holiday season with your family!

  1. Switch out decor from Fall to Winter!
  2. Get rid of any unwanted items to make room for the new if you celebrate gift swapping or giving. This might be things of your own, getting rid of unused toys, downgrading on all of the decor, etc.
  3. Create hiding holes! If you have kids or celebrate holidays at your house create hiding places for gift receivers so they cannot find what you are giving them.
  4. Clean out a closet for coats or set out a coat holder, this winter in Henry County is going to be a cold one!
  5. Make things childproof if you have company. Do not put ornaments on the bottom of your Christmas tree. Make sure any decor is not glass, candles are out of reach, and nothing breakable is in reaching distance from little arms.
  6. Deep clean! You know what this consists of.

Writing things down in a checklist form makes us more prone to doing it. Create your own personalized list and put it somewhere you see it each day to motivate yourself.

If you are in the middle of making The Move during these next two or three months do not worry! We are going to feature a Moving for the Holidays segment that will give you tips on how to “survive” during a stressful time such as The Move yet still enjoy your house as you are packing up to settle in somewhere new.

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Filed under Organize it!

Organize it!

Moving requires you to see every item that you own, this can bring back so many memories but also so much stress as well. The Move is the perfect time to weed out all unnecessary household items, to get rid of things and start fresh. You can do a number of things to get rid of these items by having a moving sale or donating everything to charities. There are many charities that will also come pick up anything from your home at your convenience. Here at The Move with Susan Carroll we want to give you as many tools as we can to help you simplify, declutter, or simply organize what you have. So many articles can help you organize whatever part of your home you need to organize so we want to guide you to our Pinterest page full of great ideas from people all over the world. Visit us on Susan Carroll BHHS Georgia, follow our boards, and repin our pins to save articles that will help you on your Moving Adventure!

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